FUTURE OF SAPI...The future of SAPI is wide open. At present, SAPI systems are most successful as command-and-control interfaces. Such interfaces allow users to use voice commands to start and stop basic operations that usually require keyboard or mouse intervention. Current technology offers limited voice playback services. Users can get quick replies or short readings of text without much trouble. However, long stretches of text playback are still difficult to understand. With the creation of the generalized interfaces defined by Microsoft in the SAPI model, it will not be long before new versions of the TTS and SR engine appear on the market ready to take advantage of the larger base of Windows operating systems already installed. With each new release of Windows, and new versions of the SAPI interface, speech services are bound to become more powerful and more user-friendly. Although we have not yet arrived at the level of voice interaction depicted in Star Trek and other futuristic tales, the release of SAPI for Windows puts us more than one step closer to that reality! |
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