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This section is specially written for those who are programing for windows. Here you will find definations of Windows related terms. If you need further information about one of these or any other related term, please e-mail me with discription of your question.


WINDOWS:A window in an application written for the Microsoft® Windows® operating system is a rectangular area of the screen where the application displays output and receives input from the user. A window shares the screen with other windows, including those from other applications. Only one window at a time can receive input from the user. The user can use the mouse, keyboard, or other input device to interact with this window and the application that owns it.

CARETS: A caret is a flashing line, block, or bitmap in the client area of a window. The caret typically indicates the place at which text or graphics will be inserted. The following illustration shows some common variations in the appearance of the caret.

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Because only one window at a time can have the keyboard focus or be active, there is only one caret in the system. Generally, each window that accepts keyboard input must create the caret when it receives the keyboard focus and destroy the caret when it loses the keyboard focus. For more information on keyboard input, see Keyboard Input. An application written for Microsoft® Windows® can create a caret, display or hide it, relocate the caret, and change its blink time.

CLIP BOARD:The clipboard is a set of functions and messages that enable applications designed for the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) to transfer data. Because all applications have access to the clipboard, data can be easily transferred between applications or within an application.

DIALOG BOXES:In Microsoft® Windows®, a dialog box is a temporary window an application creates to retrieve user input. An application typically uses dialog boxes to prompt the user for additional information for commands. A dialog box usually contains one or more controls (child windows) with which the user enters text, chooses options, or directs the action of the command.

COMMON DIALOG BOX LIBRARY:The Common Dialog Box Library contains a set of dialog boxes for performing common tasks, such as opening files and printing documents. The common dialog boxes provide a uniform user interface that lets users carry out these common tasks without being forced to learn new techniques with each application.

CURSORS:A cursor is a small picture whose location on the screen is controlled by a pointing device, such as a mouse, pen, or trackball. (In the remainder of this section, the term mouse refers to any pointing device.) When the user moves the mouse, Microsoft® Windows® moves the cursor accordingly. Microsoft Win32® cursor functions enable applications to create, load, display, move, confine, and destroy cursors.

MENUS:A menu is one or more lists of menu items. A menu item represents an application command, and can be either a text string or a bitmap. When the user chooses a menu item, Microsoft® Windows® sends the application a command message that indicates which menu item the user chose

HOCKS:A hook is a point in the Microsoft® Windows® message-handling mechanism where an application can install a subroutine to monitor the message traffic in the system and process certain types of messages before they reach the target window procedure.

KEYBOARD ACCELERATION:In Microsoft® Windows®, a keyboard accelerator (or, simply, accelerator) is a keystroke or combination of keystrokes that generates a WM_COMMAND or WM_SYSCOMMAND message for an application.

MULTIPLE DOCUMENT INTERFACE: The multiple document interface (MDI) is a specification that defines the standard user interface for applications written for Microsoft® Windows®. Windows provides extensive support for MDI applications. This overview describes the structure of an MDI application and how to take advantage of the built-in MDI support found in the Microsoft® Win32® application program interface (API).

MESSAGES AND MESSAGES QUE:Unlike traditional applications, applications written for Microsoft® Windows® do not make explicit function calls (such as to getchar) to obtain input. Instead, they wait for Windows to pass input to them. Windows passes all input for an application to the various windows in the application. Each window has a function, called a window procedure, that Windows calls whenever it has input for the window. The window procedure processes the input and returns control to Windows.

TIMER:A timer is an internal routine that repeatedly measures a specified interval, in milliseconds. Each time the interval (or time-out value) elapses, the system notifies the window associated with the timer. Because the accuracy of a timer depends on the system clock rate and how often the application retrieves messages from the message queue, the time-out value is only approximate.


A timer is an internal routine that repeatedly measures a specified interval, in milliseconds. Each time the interval (or time-out value) elapses, the system notifies the window associated with the timer. Because the accuracy of a timer depends on the system clock rate and how often the application retrieves messages from the message queue, the time-out value is only approximate.

WINDOW CLASSES:Every window is a member of a window class. A window class is a set of attributes that Microsoft® Windows® uses as a template to create a window in an application. This overview describes the types of window classes, how Windows locates them, and the elements that define the default behavior of windows that belong to them.

WINDOW PROCEDURE: In Microsoft® Windows®, every window has an associated window procedure — a function that processes all messages sent or posted to all windows of the class. All aspects of a window's appearance and behavior depend on the window procedure's response to these messages. Each window is a member of a particular window class. The window class determines the default window procedure that an individual window uses to process its messages. All windows belonging to the same class use the same default window procedure. For example, the system defines a window procedure for the combo box class (COMBOBOX); all combo boxes then use that window procedure. An application typically registers at least one new window class and an associated window procedure. After registering a class, the application can create many windows of that class, all of which use the same default window procedure. Because this means several sources could simultaneously call the same piece of code, the developer must be careful when modifying shared resources from a window procedure. For more information about window classes, see Window Classes. Window procedures for dialog boxes (called dialog box procedures) have a similar structure and function as regular window procedures. All points referring to window procedures in this section also apply to dialog box procedures. For more information about dialog boxes, see Dialog Boxes.

ACCESSABILITY:The Microsoft® Win32® API provides a set of accessibility features that make it easier for persons with disabilities to use computers. This overview describes the provided accessibility features and the Win32 functions and structures for controlling these features.

There are two categories of accessibility features:

· Accessibility parameters. These are system parameters that can be set by the user. Applications can check the state of an accessibility parameter to determine whether the user wants special behavior that can be provided in an application-specific manner. For example, the ShowSounds parameter indicates that an application that typically uses sound to convey important information should also provide the information visually.

· Built-in accessibility features. These features are built into the system or provided as an extension to the system. They affect how the user provides keyboard and mouse input to the computer. When enabled, their functionality is available regardless of which applications are running. An example is a keyboard filter that makes it easier for users with movement impairments to type key combinations such as CTRL+ALT+DEL.

ATOMS:In Microsoft® Windows®, an atom table is a system-defined table that stores strings and corresponding identifiers. An application places a string in an atom table and receives a 16-bit integer, called an atom, that can be used to access the string. A string that has been placed in an atom table is called an atom name.

ATOM TABLES:Dynamic data exchange (DDE) applications use an atom table to share item-name and topic-name strings with other applications. Rather than passing actual strings, a DDE application passes atoms to its partner application. The partner uses the atoms to obtain the strings from the atom table.

GLOBEL ATOM TABLES:The Windows global atom table, which can contain up to 37 entries, is available to all applications. When an application places a string in the global atom table, the system generates an atom that is unique throughout the system. Any application that has the atom can obtain the string it identifies by querying the global atom table. An application that defines a private clipboard-data format or DDE-data format for sharing data with other applications should place the format name in the global atom table. This technique prevents conflicts with the names of formats defined by the system or by other applications, and makes the identifiers (atoms) for the messages or formats available to the other applications.

LOCAL ATOM TABLES:An application can use a local atom table to efficiently manage a large number of strings used only within the application. These strings, and the associated atoms, are available only to the application that created the table. An application requiring the same string in a number of structures can reduce memory usage by using a local atom table. Rather than copying the string into each structure, the application can place the string in the atom table and include the resulting atom in the structures. In this way, a string appears only once in memory but can be used many times in the application. Applications can also use local atom tables to save time when searching for a particular string. To perform a search, an application need only place the search string in the atom table and compare the resulting atom with the atoms in the relevant structures. Comparing atoms is typically faster than comparing strings. By default, a local atom table can contain up to 37 entries. However, the size of a local atom table, unlike the size of a global atom table, can be changed. An application uses the InitAtomTable function to accomplish this task. If the application calls InitAtomTable, however, it must do so before calling any other atom-management functions.

COMMUNICATION:A communications resource is a physical or logical device that provides a single bidirectional, asynchronous data stream. Serial ports, parallel ports, fax machines, and modems are examples of communications resources. For each communications resource, there is a service provider, consisting of a library or driver, that enables applications to access the resource.

CONSOLE AND CHERECTOR MODE:The Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) provides consoles that manage input and output (I/O) for character-mode applications (applications that do not provide their own graphical user interface). Consoles provide high-level support for simple character-mode applications that interact with the user by using functions that read from standard input and write to standard output or standard error. Consoles also provide sophisticated low-level support that gives direct access to a console's screen buffer and that enables applications to receive extended input information (such as mouse input)A console consists of an input buffer and one or more screen buffers. The input buffer contains a queue of input records, each of which contains information about an input event. The input queue always includes key-press and key-release events. It can also include mouse events (pointer movements and button presses and releases) and events during which user actions affect the size of the active screen buffer. A screen buffer is a two-dimensional array of character and color data for output in a console window. The Win32 API functions enable different levels of access to a console. The high-level console I/O functions enable an application to read from standard input to retrieve keyboard input stored in a console's input buffer. The functions also enable an application to write to standard output or standard error to display text in the console's screen buffer. The high-level functions also support redirection of standard handles and control of console modes for different I/O functionality. The low-level console I/O functions enable applications to receive detailed input about keyboard and mouse events, as well as events involving user interactions with the console window. The low-level functions also enable greater control of output to the screen.

DATA COMPRESSION:Data compression is an operation that reduces the size of a file by minimizing redundant data. In a file that contains text, redundant data can be frequently occurring characters, such as the space character, or common vowels, such as the letters e and a; it can also be frequently occurring character strings. Data compression creates a compressed version of a file by minimizing this redundant data. Each type of data-compression algorithm minimizes redundant data in a unique manner. For example, the Huffman encoding algorithm assigns a code to characters in a file based on how frequently those characters occur. Another compression algorithm, called run-length encoding, generates a two-part value for repeated characters: the first part specifies the number of times the character is repeated, and the second part identifies the character. Another compression algorithm, known as the Lempel-Ziv algorithm, converts variable-length strings into fixed-length codes that consume less space than the original strings. To compress large applications or data files, you can run COMPRESS.EXE from the command line. COMPRESS.EXE uses the Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm.

DATA DECOMPRESSION:Applications can call the functions in LZEXPAND.DLL to decompress files compressed by using COMPRESS.EXE. The functions can also process uncompressed files without attempting to decompress them. To use these functions, applications must include the LZEXPAND.H header file.

DATA COMPRESSION LIBRARY:The Microsoft® Windows® operating system includes a dynamic-link library (DLL) named LZEXPAND.DLL. Typically, an application calls functions in LZEXPAND.DLL to decompress data previously compressed by using the Microsoft File Compression Utility (COMPRESS.EXE).

DEBUGGING:A debugger is an application that enables a developer to observe and correct programming errors. The first section of this overview describes the debugging-specific features of certain standard Windows functions — specifically, process, thread, and exception-handling functions. The second section of this overview describes the Windows debugging functions. These functions enable an application to wait for debugging events, cause breakpoint exceptions, transfer execution control to the debugger, and so on.

DEBUGGING SUPPORT:Microsoft® Windows® supports several functions that can be used to create a basic, event-driven debugger. "Event-driven" means that the debugger is notified every time certain events occur in the process being debugged. Notification enables the debugger to take appropriate action in response to the events.

DYNAMIC DATA EXCHANGE:The Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) provides several methods for transferring data between applications. One method is to use the Win32 dynamic data exchange (DDE) protocol. The DDE protocol is a set of messages and guidelines. It sends messages between applications that share data and uses shared memory to exchange data between applications. Applications can use the DDE protocol for one-time data transfers and for continuous exchanges in which applications send updates to one another as new data becomes available. The Win32 API also includes the Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML). The DDEML is a dynamic-link library (DLL) that applications running with Windows can use to share data. The DDEML provides an application programming interface (API) that simplifies the task of adding DDE capability to a Win32-based application. Instead of sending, posting, and processing DDE messages directly, an application uses the DDEML functions to manage DDE conversations. (A DDE conversation is the interaction between client and server applications.) The DDEML also provides a facility for managing the strings and data that DDE applications share. Instead of using atoms and pointers to shared memory objects, DDE applications create and exchange string handles, which identify strings, and data handles, which identify memory objects. The DDEML also makes it possible for a server application to register the service names it supports. The names are broadcast to other applications in the system, which can use the names to connect to the server. Moreover, the DDEML ensures compatibility among DDE applications by forcing them to implement the DDE protocol in a consistent manner. Existing applications that use the message-based DDE protocol are fully compatible with those that use the DDEML. That is, an application that uses message-based DDE can establish conversations and perform transactions with applications that use the DDEML. Because of the many advantages of the DDEML, new applications should use it rather than the DDE messages. To use the API elements of the DDEML, you must include the DDEML header file in your source files, link with the DDEML library, and ensure that the DDEML dynamic-link library is in the system's search path.

DYNAMIC DATA EXCHANGE PROTOCOL:Because the Win32 API has a message-based architecture, passing messages is the most appropriate method for automatically transferring information between applications. However, Win32 messages contain only two parameters (wParam and lParam) for passing data. As a result, these parameters must refer indirectly to other pieces of data when more than a few words of information pass between applications. The DDE protocol defines exactly how applications should use the wParam and lParam parameters to pass larger pieces of data by means of global atoms and shared memory handles. The DDE protocol has specific rules for allocating and deleting global atoms and shared memory objects. A global atom is a reference to a character string. In the DDE protocol, atoms identify the applications exchanging data, the nature of the data being exchanged, and the data items themselves. For more information about atoms, see Atoms. A shared memory handle is a handle to a memory object allocated by GlobalAlloc, using the GMEM_DDESHARE flag. In the DDE protocol, shared memory objects store data items passed between applications, protocol options, and remote command execution strings.

DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARIES:In Microsoft® Windows®, dynamic linking provides a way for a process to call a function that is not part of its executable code. The executable code for the function is located in a dynamic-link library (DLL), containing one or more functions that are compiled, linked, and stored separately from the processes using them. The Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) is implemented as a set of dynamic-link libraries, so any process using the Win32 API uses dynamic linking.

ERROR:Well-written applications include code that allows them to recover gracefully from unexpected errors. When an error occurs, the application may need to request user intervention, or it may be able to recover without help. In extreme cases, the application may log the user off or shut down the system. Microsoft® Windows® includes a special error-handling mechanism for exceptions, such as divide-by-zero errors.

FILE MAPPING:le mapping is the association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process. The operating system creates a file-mapping object to maintain this association. A file view is the portion of virtual address space that the process uses to access the file's contents. Processes read from and write to the file view using pointers, just as they would with dynamically allocated memory. Processes can also manipulate the file view with the virtual memory function VirtualProtect. The file-mapping functions in the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) allow a process to create file-mapping objects and file views to easily access and share data. The following illustration shows the relationship between the file on disk, a file-mapping object, and a file view.

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The file on disk can be any file that you want to map into memory, or it can be the system pagefile. The file-mapping object can consist of all or only part of the file. It is backed by the file on disk. This means that when the system swaps out pages of the file-mapping object, any changes made to the file-mapping object are written to the file. When the pages of the file-mapping object are swapped back in, they are restored from the file. A file view can consist of all or only part of the file-mapping object. A process manipulates the file through the file views. A process can create multiple views for a file-mapping object. Windows NT: The file views created by each process reside in the virtual address space of that process. Windows 95: All file views reside in the shared address space. The shared address space exists in the range between 2 and 3 gigabytes in the virtual address space for each process. It contains the 16-bit heap and shared system DLLs, as well as file views. When multiple processes use the same file-mapping object to create views for a local file, the data is coherent. That is, the views contain identical copies of the file on disk. The file cannot reside on a remote computer if you want to share memory between multiple processes

FILE SYSTEMS:Applications based on the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) rely on file systems to store and retrieve information on mass storage devices. File systems provide the underlying support that applications need to create and access files and directories on the individual volumes associated with the devices.

FILE: A file is the basic unit of storage that enables a computer to distinguish one set of information from another.In Microsoft® Windows®, files are stored on storage media, such as disks or tapes, and can be organized into groups called directories. The Windows file input and output (I/O) functions enable applications to create, open, modify, and delete files and directories. They also enable applications to obtain system information, such as what disk drives are present.

A volume is a storage device, such as a fixed disk or floppy disk, formatted to store directories and files. Each volume has a root directory. Directories and files on the volume are organized in a tree structure that starts at the root directory. Each directory entry identifies the name, attributes, location, and size of the file or subdirectory. A large volume can be divided into more than one logical volume, also called a partition. To the user and to the operating system, each partition appears to be a separate volume. A file system is operating system software that manages the low-level organization of files on a volume. Windows supports the following file systems:

  1. File allocation table (FAT)

  2. New Technology file system (NTFS)

The type of file system defines the filename conventions on a volume and may also provide specific file system features, such as security, recoverability, and high I/O performance. Each volume can use a different file system

HANDLE AND OBJECTS:An object is an internal structure that represents a system resource, such as a file, a thread, or a graphic image. An application cannot directly access the internal structure of an object or the system resource that an object represents. Instead, an application must obtain an object handle and use this handle to examine or modify the system resource (or both). In the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API), handles are usually implemented as indirect pointers, but this is not always the case.

ONLINE HELP:An important element of a user-friendly application is readily available online help. Microsoft® Windows® provides functions and messages that when used in conjunction with the Windows Help application make it easy to implement online help in your application. This overview discusses elements of the Win32 application programming interface (API) that support online help. It describes how to use these elements to give users a means to request help and explains how to use the Windows Help application to display help.

INTERPROCESS COMUNICATION:The Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) provides a rich set of mechanisms for facilitating communications and data sharing between applications. Collectively, the activities enabled by these mechanisms are called interprocess communications (IPC). In addition to facilitating the division of labor among several specialized processes, some forms of IPC can distribute the computational load among cooperating computers on a network.As computer users become more sophisticated, they demand more power from the applications they use. To meet this demand, developers add more features to their applications, and the applications become larger. These large applications can eventually become unmanageable, both from a development standpoint and from a user-interface point of view. Therefore, developers now tend to produce highly focused applications that do a good job on a limited number of features and then to enable those applications to communicate and share data with other specialized applications. No longer can any one application meet all user expectations; the age of cooperating and communicating applications has arrived. Typically, cooperating and communicating applications can be categorized as clients or servers. A client is an application or a process that requests a service from some other process. A server is an application or a process that responds to a client request. Many applications act as both a client and a server, depending on the situation. For example, a word processing application might act as a client in requesting a summary table of manufacturing costs from a spreadsheet application acting as a server. The spreadsheet application, in turn, might act as a client in requesting the latest inventory levels from an automated inventory control application.

MAILSLOTS:A mailslot is a mechanism for one-way interprocess communications (IPC). An application written for Microsoft® Windows® can store messages in a mailslot. The owner of the mailslot can retrieve messages that are stored there. These messages are typically sent over a network to either a specified computer or to all computers in a specified domain. A domain is a group of workstations and servers that share a group name.

MEMORY MANAGEMENT:In the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API), each process has its own 32-bit virtual address space that enables addressing up to 4 gigabytes (GB) of memory. The 2 GB in low memory (0x00 to 0x7FFFFFFF) are available to the user, and the 2 GB in high memory (0x80000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF) are reserved for the kernel. The virtual addresses used by a process do not represent the actual physical location of an object in memory. Instead, for each process the kernel maintains a page map, an internal data structure used to translate virtual addresses into corresponding physical addresses.

PERFORMANCE MONITERING:Performance monitoring refers to the procedure for determining the system resources that an application consumes, such as processor time and memory.An application developer can use the Microsoft® Win32® performance monitoring functions to determine whether an application uses system resources efficiently and to fine-tune its performance. These functions are especially helpful in evaluating the effects of changes as developers migrate Microsoft® Windows® version 3.x applications to Win32.

PIPES:A pipe is a communication conduit with two ends: a process with a handle to one end can communicate with a process having a handle to the other end Pipes can be one-way — where one end is read-only and the other end is write-only, or they can be two-way — where both ends of the pipe can read or write. The Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) provides both anonymous (unnamed) pipes and named pipes. An anonymous pipe is an unnamed, one-way pipe that transfers data between a parent process and a child process or between two child processes of the same parent process. Although it is possible to use anonymous pipes for communication between unrelated processes, it is easier to use named pipes for that purpose (for more information, see Named Pipes). Anonymous pipes are always local; they cannot be used for communication over a network. A named pipe is a one-way or two-way pipe for communicating between a server process and one or more client processes. A server process specifies a name when it calls the CreateNamedPipe function to create one or more instances of a named pipe. All instances of a named pipe share the same pipe name, but each instance has its own buffers and handles and provides a separate conduit for client-server communication. When a client process specifies a pipe name in the CreateFile or CallNamedPipe function, it connects to an instance of the pipe. The use of instances enables multiple client processes to use the same named pipe simultaneously.

POWER MANAGEMENT:The Windows operating system uses power management to reduce the power consumption of a computer and the attached devices. Windows works in conjunction with the computer and its devices to monitor system operation and shut down devices or the computer itself when idle. To help applications and installable drivers take advantage of power management and to ensure that no data is lost when a device or the computer is shut down, Windows provides functions and messages that reveal the system power status and notify of power management events.

PROCESESS AND THREADS:A process is an executing application that consists of a private virtual address space, code, data, and other operating system resources, such as files, pipes, and synchronization objects that are visible to the process. A process also contains one or more threads that run in the context of the process. A thread is the basic entity to which the operating system allocates CPU time. A thread can execute any part of the application's code, including a part currently being executed by another thread. All threads of a process share the virtual address space, global variables, and operating system resources of the process.An application written for Microsoft® Windows® can consist of more than one process, and a process can consist of more than one thread. The Microsoft® Win32® application program interface (API) supports multitasking, which creates the effect of simultaneous execution of multiple processes and threads.

REGISTRY:The registry is a system-defined database that applications and Microsoft® Windows® system components use to store and retrieve configuration data. The registry stores data in binary files. To manipulate registry data, an application must use the registry functions. This overview describes the registry and the functions that applications use to access and manipulate the data stored there. The data stored in the registry varies according to the Windows platform that is used. This overview contains a description of registry entries that can exist on any platform.

REMOTE ACCESS SERVICES: Remote Access Service (RAS) lets users at remote locations work as if connected directly to a computer network, accessing one or more RAS servers. Win32 RAS support enables a RAS client application to start a RAS connection operation, get information about existing RAS connections, and end a RAS connection. Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) does not currently provide support for applications to administer the Remote Access Server.

RESOURCES: A resource is binary data that a resource compiler or developer adds to an application's executable file. A resource can be either standard or defined. The data in a standard resource describes an icon, cursor, menu, dialog box, bitmap, enhanced metafile, font, accelerator table, message-table entry, string-table entry, or version. An application-defined resource, also called a custom resource, contains any data required by a specific application.

SECURETY:The security provisions of Microsoft® Windows NT™ are available to Windows-based applications automatically. Every application running on the system is subject to the security imposed by the particular configuration of the local implementation of Windows NT. he security functions in the Microsoft Win32® application programming interface (API) allow an application to selectively grant and deny access to an object. An application can specify many different kinds of access for particular users and groups of users. The operating system grants or denies access to an object based on a comparison of the security provisions stored with an object with the access rights specified in a token associated with the process or thread requesting the access. These security functions allow an application to query and manipulate the security features of both an object and a process or thread. The impact of Windows security on most Windows functions is minimal, and a Windows-based application not requiring security functionality usually does not need to incorporate any special code. However, a developer can use the security features of Windows NT to provide a number of services in a Windows-based application. Generally, any application that manipulates a system-wide resource such as the system time, must use the security system to gain access to that resource. A security-aware application might allow the user to query the security attributes of a file, provide specialized feedback when access to a secure file is denied, or customize the security attributes of a file or group of files so that only a subset of other users on a network has access to the information. Windows NT is designed to support C2-level security as defined by the US Department of Defense. Some of the most important requirements of C2-level security are shown in the following list.

  1. It must be possible to control access to a resource. This access control must include or exclude individual users or named groups of users.

  2. Memory must be protected so its contents cannot be read after it is freed by a process.

  3. Users must identify themselves in a unique manner when they log on. All auditable actions must identify the user performing the action.

  4. System administrators must be able to audit security-related events. Access to this audit data must be limited to authorized administrators.

  5. The system must protect itself from external interference or tampering, such as modification of the running system or of system files stored on disk.


SERVICES:In the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API), a service is an executable object that is installed in a registry database maintained by the service control manager. The services database includes information that determines whether each installed service is started on demand or is started automatically when the system starts. The database can also contain logon and security information for a service so that a service can run even though no user is logged on. It also enables system administrators to customize security requirements for each service and thereby control access to the service. No more than one instance of a service can be running at a time. Services can be divided into these two groups: Win32 services that conform to the interface rules of the service control manager, and driver services that conform to the device driver protocols for Microsoft Windows NT™.

STRING MANIPULATION:The string manipulation functions give applications developed for the Win32 application programming interface (API) the means to copy, compare, sort, format, and convert character strings as well as the means to determine the character type of each character in a string. All the string manipulation functions support the single-byte, double-byte, and Unicode character sets if these character sets are supported by the operating system on which the application is run.

STRUCTURED EXCEPTIONS:An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program, and that requires the execution of software outside the normal flow of control. Hardware exceptions can result from the execution of certain instruction sequences, such as division by zero or an attempt to access an invalid memory address. A software routine can also initiate an exception explicitly. The Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) supports structured exception handling, a mechanism for handling hardware- and software-generated exceptions.

STRUCTURED EXCEPTIONS HANDLING:Structured exception handling gives developers complete control over the handling of exceptions, provides support for debuggers, and is usable across all programming languages and machines. The Win32 API also supports termination handling, which enables developers to ensure that whenever a guarded body of code is executed, a specified block of termination code is also executed. The termination code is executed regardless of how the flow of control leaves the guarded body. For example, a termination handler can guarantee that clean-up tasks are performed even if an exception or some other error occurs while the guarded body of code is being executed. Structured exception and termination handling is an integral part of the Win32 API; it enables a robust implementation of the system software. Developers can use these mechanisms to create consistently robust and reliable applications. Structured exception handling is made available to developers primarily through compiler support. For example, the Microsoft compilers provided with the Win32 software development kit support the try keyword that identifies a guarded body of code, and the except and finally keywords that identify an exception handler and a termination handler, respectively. Although this topic uses examples from the support available in Microsoft compilers, other compiler vendors can provide this support as well.

TAPE BACK:The tape functions provided in the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) enable backup applications to read from and write to a tape, initialize a tape, and retrieve tape or tape drive information.In Microsoft® Windows™, a tape volume consists of a recording medium and its physical carrier. The entire length of tape in a volume is not available for recording data. Short sections at the beginning and the end of the tape are reserved for attaching the tape to the hubs in the carrier. The first position on the tape where data can be recorded is the called the beginning-of-medium marker, and the last position is called the end-of-medium marker. Every tape volume has one or more partitions. A partition is a portion of the volume, containing its own beginning and ending points, that does not overlap with any other portion of the volume. Each partition has three predefined positions. The first position in a partition where you can record data is called the beginning-of-partition marker, and the last is called end-of-partition marker. The early-warning position is located immediately before the end-of-partition marker. The early-warning position notifies tape applications to transfer buffered data to the tape before reaching the end-of-partition marker. The area between a partition's beginning and ending points is typically divided into sections by filemarks or setmarks. Filemarks and setmarks are special recorded elements that do not contain user data; they simply divide the partition into smaller areas to provide an address scheme. Filemarks and setmarks serve similar purposes, but setmarks provide faster positioning on high-capacity tape drives. Typically, tape devices support filemarks and setmarks. Support of both enables tape data to be formatted such that setmarks separate data from different disk volumes and filemarks separate data from individual files on a disk volume. Another recorded element that denotes locations on the tape is an erase gap, an area of erased tape or a pattern that the device does not recognize as a mark or as user data. There are three types of filemarks. A short filemark contains a short erase gap that cannot be overwritten unless the write operation is performed from the beginning of the partition or from an earlier long filemark. A long filemark contains a long erase gap that enables an application to position the tape at the beginning of the filemark and to overwrite the filemark and the erase gap. A normal filemark does not contain an erase gap. Tape devices that use filemarks support either short and long filemarks or normal filemarks, but not all three. The area on a partition between setmarks or filemarks is available for recording data. A unit of data written to or read from a tape is referred to as a block.

NETWORKS:An application written for Microsoft® Windows® can use the network functions in the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) to implement networking capabilities without making allowances for a particular network provider or physical network implementation. Win32 network functions are network independent. Applications can use these functions to add and cancel network connections and to retrieve information about the current configuration of the network. In addition, the Win32 API implements a version of the NetBIOS network interface for applications that require it. In addition to using the network functions, processes can also use the Win32 API implementations of mailslots and named pipes to communicate with one another. For more information about these subjects, see Mailslots and Pipes. The following figure shows the structure of a typical network.

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In the preceding figure, the hierarchy for Microsoft Advanced Server resources is given in detail as Network provider #1. Network resources from other providers have different hierarchical systems. An application does not need information about the hierarchy before it begins to work with a network. It can proceed from the network root (that is, the topmost container resource) and retrieve information about the network's resources as the information is required. Network resources that contain other resources are called containers. Container resources are in boxes in the preceding figure. Resources that do not contain other resources are objects. Sharepoint #1 and Sharepoint #2 in the figure are objects. A sharepoint is an object that is accessible across the network, such as a printer or a shared directory.

SIMPLE NETWORK MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL(SNMP):The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite that monitors and troubleshoots TCP/IP communications. Administrators use SNMP to monitor and control remote hosts and gateways on an internetwork using management tools such as HP Openview, Novell NMS, IBM NetView, and Sun Net Manager.The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an open, standard protocol that sends management information and commands between a management console and a managed entity (see SNMP Agent). SNMP provides the ability to monitor status information between the following communication devices:

  1. Computers running Windows NT

  2. LAN Manager servers

  3. Routers or gateways

  4. Minicomputers or mainframe computers

  5. Terminal servers

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