Operating system overview.Windows NT is Microsoft's high-end portable server operating
system. It is a full-featured 32-bit multithreaded operating system with an
integrated graphical environment and advanced server capabilities. Its
development has been aimed to maximize portability, stability, and security.
While its compatibility with well-behaved MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 applications is
remarkably good, it falls short of being a 100 percent replacement for your old
MS-DOS system; if you wish to run a sophisticated game program, you may have to
reboot to the good old DOS command line.
Symbolic Identifier |
| The left mouse button was pressed.
| The OK button is repainted as it is pressed.
| The left mouse button was released.
| The OK button is repainted as it is released.
| The position of the window is about to change.
| The position of the window has just changed.
| The window's title area has been activated.
| The window's client area has been activated.
| The position of the window is about to change.
| The window is about to lose focus.
| The window is being destroyed.
| The title area of the window is being destroyed. |
As you can see, messages representing every single
occurrence, every single action are sent to the window for processing.
Fortunately, an application does not have to be aware of the meaning of every
single message. Instead of processing all possible messages, an application is
free to "pick and choose"; messages that remain unprocessed are passed
to the operating system's default message handler function.
Windows messages consist of several parts. Perhaps it is best
to review the MSG structure, shown in Listing which is used to represent
typedef struct tagMSG { HWND hwnd; UINT message; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; DWORD time; POINT pt; } MSG;
The first element of this structure, hwnd, uniquely
identifies the window to which this message has been posted. Every window in
Windows has such an identifier.
The next element identifies the message itself. This element
may have hundreds of different values, indicating one of the many hundreds
(literally!) of different messages that Windows applications may receive.
Messages can be organized into several groups depending on their function.
Message identifiers are usually referred to symbolically (such as, WM_PAINT,
WM_TIMER) rather than by numeric value; these symbolic values are defined in the
standard Windows header files. (You need only include windows.h; it, in turn,
contains #include directives for the rest.)
By far the most populous group of Windows messages is the
group of window management messages. The symbolic identifiers for these messages
all begin with WM_. This group is so large, it only makes sense to further
subdivide it into categories. These categories include DDE (Dynamic Data
Exchange) messages, clipboard messages, mouse messages, keyboard messages,
nonclient area messages (messages that relate to the title, border, and menu
areas of a window, typically those areas that are managed by the operating
system, not the application), MDI (Multiple Document Interface) messages, and
many other types. These categories are somewhat inexact, not always strictly
defined; they simply serve as a tool of convenience for programmers trying to
form a mental picture of the large set of window management messages. Nor is the
set of WM_ messages fixed; it is constantly growing as new operating system
capabilities are added.
Other message groups are related to specific window types.
There are messages defined for edit controls, buttons, listboxes, combo boxes,
scrollbars, list and tree views, and so on. These messages, with few exceptions,
are typically processed by the window procedure of the control's window class
and are rarely of interest to the application programmer.
Applications can also define their own messages. Unique
message identifiers can be obtained through a call to the function
RegisterWindowMessage. Using private message types enables parts of an
application to communicate with each other; separate applications can also
exchange information this way. In fact, in 16-bit Windows, cooperating
applications typically exchanged data by sending handles of global memory
objects to each other. In Win32, this mechanism does not work because
applications no longer share an address space; however, other, more powerful
mechanisms (for example, memory mapped files) are available for intertask
In Windows 3.1, the message loop had another important role
in the interaction between the application and the operating system: it enabled
the application to yield control. As Windows 3.1 is not a preemptive
multitasking operating system, it does not wrestle away control of the processor
from an uncooperative application. Proper functioning of the system depended on
the cooperative behavior of applications; namely, that they called specific
message processing functions frequently. This behavior is still required of
applications that are intended to run under Windows 3.1 using Win32s.
This section starts with the simple and moves to the more
complex. First, I describe the workings of the 16-bit Windows messaging and task
scheduling architecture.
In 16-bit Windows, the operating system maintains a single message
queue. Messages that are generated by various operating system events--such
as a keyboard or mouse interrupt--are deposited into this message queue. When an
application makes an attempt to retrieve the next message in the queue through
the GetMessage or PeekMessage function, the operating system may perform a context
switch and activate another application for which messages are waiting in
the queue. The message at the top of the queue is then retrieved and returned to
the active application via an MSG structure.
If an application fails to make a call to GetMessage,
PeekMessage, or Yield (which enables an application to relinquish control
without checking the message queue), it effectively hangs the system. Messages
keep accumulating in the message queue; as the queue is of a fixed size,
eventually it overflows. Windows responds to this by generating a nasty beep
every time a new message is received that cannot be placed into the queue; the
result is a very ill system that is beeping continuously even at the slightest
mouse movement.
In Win32 (that is, both in Windows NT and Windows 95) the
message queue mechanism is much more sophisticated. In these preemptive
operating systems, the orderly cooperation of competing tasks or threads is no
longer guaranteed. Two or more threads can quite possibly attempt to access the
message queue at the same time; furthermore, as task switching is no longer
dependent on the next available message in the queue, there are no guarantees
that a task would retrieve only the messages addressed to it. This is just one
of a number of reasons why the single message queue of 16-bit Windows has been
separated into individual message queues for each and every thread in the
The subject of threads came up briefly during the discussion
of the relationship of processes and threads versus windows.
In a non-multithreaded operating system, such as most flavors
of UNIX, the smallest unit of execution is a task or process. The
task-scheduling mechanism of the operating system switches between these tasks;
multitasking is accomplished between two or more processes. If an application
needs to perform multiple functions simultaneously, it splits itself into
several tasks (for example, by using the UNIX fork system call). This approach
has some severe drawbacks: tasks are a limited resource (most operating systems
can handle fewer than a few hundred simultaneously executing tasks), spawning a
new task consumes a prodigious amount of time and system resources, and the new
task loses access to its parent's address space.
In contrast, in a multithreaded system the smallest unit of
execution is a thread, not a process. A task or process may consist of one or
more threads (usually one designated as the main thread). Setting up a new
thread requires little in terms of system resources; threads of the same process
have access to the same address space; switching between threads of the same
process requires very little system overhead. In fact, I cannot think of any
drawbacks a multithreaded operating system has when contrasted with a
single-threaded one.
Earlier I indicated that ownership of windows is assigned to
individual threads. Correspondingly, each thread has a private message queue, in
which the operating system deposits messages addressed to windows the thread
owns. Does this mean that a thread must own at least one window and contain a
message loop?
Fortunately, no; otherwise, the use of threads in typical
programming situations would become cumbersome indeed. Threads can exist that
own no windows and have no message processing loop whatsoever.
Consider, for example, a sophisticated mathematical
application in which a complex calculation needs to be performed on every
element of a two-dimensional array (a matrix). The easiest way to do this is to
implement a loop in which the calculation is performed repeatedly. Under 16-bit
Windows this approach was strictly forbidden; during the execution of the loop,
no other applications could control the processor, and the computer effectively
froze. In Win32, however, it is perfectly legitimate to set up a separate thread
in which such a calculation is performed, while the application's main thread
continues processing any messages the application may receive. The only effect
on the system is a performance hit—something not entirely unexpected when a
complex, processing-intensive calculation is being performed. The thread doing
the calculations has no windows, no message queue, no message loop; it does one
thing only, and that is the calculation itself.
In MFC, these threads acquire a name of their own; they are
called worker threads, in contrast to the more sophisticated, message
queue processing user-interface threads.
While the existence of a message loop is perhaps the most
distinguishing characteristic of Windows applications, it is by far not the only
mechanism through which an application and Windows interact. Windows, like other
operating systems, offers a humongous number of system calls to perform a wide
variety of tasks, including process control, window management, file handling,
memory management, graphical services, communications, and many other functions.
The "core" set of Windows system calls can be
organized into three major categories. Kernel services include system calls for
process and thread control, resource management, file and memory management.
User services include system calls for the management of user-interface
elements, such as windows, controls, dialogs, or messages. Graphics Device
Interface (GDI) services provide device-independent graphical output
The Windows system also includes many miscellaneous
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Separate APIs exist for a multitude
of tasks; examples include MAPI (Messaging API), TAPI (Telephony API), or ODBC
(Open Database Connectivity). The degree to which these APIs have been
integrated into the core system varies; for example, OLE (Object Linking and
Embedding), although implemented in the form of a series of system Dynamic Link
Libraries, or DLLs, is nevertheless considered part of the "core"
Windows functionality; other APIs, such as WinSock, are considered
"extras" or add-ons.
This distinction between what is core and what isn't is
fairly arbitrary. Indeed, from the perspective of an application there is little
difference between a core API function that is part of the Kernel module and a
function that is implemented in a DLL. Nothing illustrates this better than the
conventions used to invoke API functions from the Visual Basic programming
language. All API functions are declared identically, as functions in an
external DLL. The only difference is the module name: "Kernel" in the
case of a Kernel system call, and the name of the DLL in the case of a call to a
DLL function.
Kernel services typically fall into the categories of file
management, memory management, process and thread control, and resource
management. While far from being an exhaustive list, these categories accurately
describe most commonly used Kernel module functions.
The preferred method of file management differs from what is
typically used in C/C++ programs. Instead of accessing files through the
standard C library functions for stream or low-level I/O, or through the C++
iostream class, applications should utilize the Win32 concept of a file
object and the rich set of functions associated with those. File objects
enable accessing files in ways that are not possible using the C/C++ libraries;
examples include overlapped I/O and memory mapped files used for intertask
In contrast, the memory management requirements of most
applications are completely satisfied through the C malloc family of functions
or the C++ new operator; in a Win32 application, these calls automatically
translate into the appropriate Win32 memory management system calls. For
applications with more elaborate memory management requirements, sophisticated
functions exist for managing virtual memory; for example, these functions can be
used to manipulate address spaces that are several hundred megabytes in size by
allocating but not committing memory.
The most important facet of process and thread management
concerns synchronization. This problem is new to the Windows environment,
as it was not encountered in 16-bit Windows. Under the cooperative multitasking
regime of Windows 3.1, applications give up control only at well-defined points
during their execution; the execution of competing tasks is synchronous.
In contrast, in the preemptive multitasking environment, processes and threads
cannot deduce knowledge about the execution status of competing threads. In
order to ensure that competing threads that are mutually dependent execute in an
orderly fashion, and in order to avoid deadlock situations where two or more
threads are suspended indefinitely, waiting for each other, a sophisticated
synchronization mechanism is required. In Win32, this is accomplished through a
variety of synchronization objects that threads can use to inform other
threads about their status, protect sensitive areas of code from reentrant
execution, or obtain information about other threads or the status of other
Speaking of objects, in Win32, many kernel resources (not to
be confused with user-interface resources) are represented as kernel objects.
Examples include files, threads, processes, and synchronization objects. Objects
are typically referred to through handles; some functions exist for the
generic manipulation of objects, while others manipulate objects of a specific
type. Under Windows NT, objects also have security-related properties. For
example, a thread cannot manipulate a file object unless it has appropriate
permissions that match the file object's security properties.
The Kernel module also provides functions to manage user-interface
resources. These resources include icons, cursors, dialog templates, string
resources, version resources, accelerator tables, bitmaps, and other
user-defined resource types. Kernel system calls are not aware of the purpose of
a resource; however, they provide functionality to allocate memory for
resources, load resources from a disk file (typically, the application's
executable file), and purge resources from memory.
Some areas of Kernel module functionality are specific to
Windows NT. For example, the NT Kernel module provides a variety of functions
through which the security attribute of kernel objects can be examined and
Another NT-specific area of functionality is tape backup
functionality. Calls are available for erasing and formatting a tape and for
reading and writing tape contents.
Accessing the contents of initialization files (INI files) is
also accomplished through Kernel module calls such as WriteProfileString or
GetPrivateProfileString. Use of these functions is not recommended, however;
instead, new applications should use the Windows Registry for storing
initialization information.
The Kernel module also provides the functionality required
for 32-bit text-only programs, console applications. At first sight,
these programs appear as plain old DOS programs; in reality, these are
full-featured 32-bit applications that run from the command line and do not make
use of the Windows graphical interface. Nevertheless, these applications can
still access a rich set of Win32 system calls; for example, a console
application can use virtual memory functions or it can be a multithreaded
There are many other areas of Kernel module functionality,
ranging from the simple (such as operations on large integers) to the complex
(such as the use of named pipes).
The User module, as its name implies, provides system calls
that manage elements and aspects of the user interface. These include functions
that handle windows, dialogs, menus, text and graphic cursors, controls, the
clipboard, and many other areas.
In fact, it is through User module functions that awareness
of these high-level components of the user interface becomes possible. The
Kernel module provides memory allocation, thread management, and other services
required for windows to function; the GDI module provides graphic primitives;
but it is the User module that integrates these two areas and provides the
concept of a window, for example.
Window management calls include functions to manage a
window's size, position, appearance, and window procedure, as well as functions
to enable or disable a window and to obtain information about windows. These
functions are also used to manage controls, such as buttons, scrollbars, or edit
boxes. The User module also contains functions to manage Multiple Document
Interface (MDI) child windows.
Menu-related calls in the User module provide functionality
to create, display, and manipulate menus, menu bars, and pop-up menus.
Through a family of User module functions, applications can
manage the shape and appearance of the text cursor (the mouse cursor) and
graphic cursor (the caret).
Management of the Windows clipboard is also accomplished
through User module functions. The Windows clipboard is basically a
simple mechanism through which applications can exchange data. An application
can place data in the clipboard in a variety of public or private clipboard
formats; other applications can examine the clipboard and retrieve data in any
of the available formats that they can interpret. Most applications provide a
set of Edit menu commands (Cut, Copy, Paste) for the explicit manipulation of
clipboard contents.
The User module also provides functions for the management of
messages and thread message queues. Applications can use these calls to check
the contents of their message queues, retrieve and process messages, and create
new messages. New messages can be either sent or posted to any
window. A message that has been posted is simply entered into the message queue
of the thread that owns the destination window. In contrast, sending a message
directly invokes the window procedure of the destination window; the SendMessage
function does not return until the destination window has processed the message.
Not only does this mechanism bypass the message queue, it also makes it possible
for the sending application to obtain a return value before continuing.
Graphics Device Interface functions are typically used to
perform primitive device-independent graphical operations on device contexts. A device
context is essentially an interface to a specific graphical device. It can
be used to obtain information about the device and also perform graphical output
to the device.
The information that can be obtained through a device context
describes the device in detail. The technology of the device (for example,
vector or raster), its type, name, resolution, color capability, font
capability, and so on, can all be obtained through appropriate device context
Graphical output is performed through a device context by
passing the handle of the device context to the appropriate GDI output function.
Through the device context, a generic, device-independent graphical call is
translated into a set of instructions that realize the output on the specific
device. For example, when an application calls the GDI function Ellipse, it is
the device context that determines which device driver will actually execute the
call; the device driver, in turn, may further refer the call to a hardware
accelerator, if the video subsystem has such an accelerator capability.
GDI device contexts can describe a wide variety of devices.
Typical device contexts include display device contexts (for output that
goes directly to the computer's screen), memory device contexts (for
output into a bitmap stored in memory), or printer device contexts (for
output that eventually gets translated into printer control codes and sent to
the printer).
A very special kind of a device context is the metafile
device context that enables applications to make a permanent record of GDI
output calls. Such a record is device-independent and can be played back on any
device later. More than a mere convenience feature, metafiles play a crucial
role in the device-independent representation of embedded OLE objects, the very
mechanism that makes OLE objects portable and enables container applications to
display or print them even in the absence of the server application.
Drawing into a device context usually takes place through
logical coordinates. Logical coordinates describe objects using
device-independent real-world measurements; for example, a rectangle can be
described as two inches wide and one inch high. The GDI provides the necessary
functionality for the mapping of logical coordinates to physical coordinates.
Significant differences exist in the way coordinate mapping
takes place in Win32s, Windows 95, and Windows NT. For starters, both Win32s and
Windows 95 are limited to 16-bit coordinates. In Win32s, this is due to the
Windows 3.1 limitation that 16-bit integers are used to represent coordinate
positions; in Windows 95, the reason is pretty much the same—the restriction
exists due to the existence of a lot of legacy code inherited from Windows 3.1.
In contrast, Windows NT can handle 32-bit world coordinates, making it an
operating system that is much better suited for sophisticated graphical
applications—CAD programs, for example.
All three operating systems support simple mappings from the
logical to the physical coordinate space. This mapping is determined by the
values specifying the coordinate origin and signed extent of the logical and
physical space. The coordinate origins basically specify a horizontal and
vertical displacement; the extents determine the orientation and scale of
objects after the mapping.
In addition, Windows NT offers what are called world
transformation functions. Through these functions, any linear transformation
can be used for mapping the logical to the physical coordinate space; in
addition to translations and scaling, output can also be rotated or sheared.
Of the large number of GDI functions, perhaps the ones used
most frequently are those that draw various objects; examples include the
Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, or TextOut functions. (These are just a few
representative cases; the actual number of these functions is very large.)
Other frequently used drawing functions are the bit blit
functions that are used to quickly and efficiently copy bitmaps. (Well, maybe
not that quickly and efficiently; for applications, such as games, which really
require blazing speed, there is a faster, albeit less safe, set of bitmap
manipulation functions in the Windows Game SDK.)
Other functions manage device contexts. Device contexts for
various devices can be created and destroyed, their state can be saved and
reloaded, or information about them can be obtained through these functions.
Another set contains functions that manipulate coordinate
transformations. Functions common to all Win32 platforms can be used to set or
retrieve the origin and extent of the window (the logical coordinate
space) and the viewport (the coordinate space of the target device).
NT-specific functions can be used to manipulate sophisticated world
transformation matrixes.
GDI functions can also be used to manipulate palettes. This
is mostly useful for applications that strive to achieve color fidelity on
devices that offer a limited number of simultaneous colors—256 colors, for
example. By manipulating the color palette, these applications (a typical
example would be a viewer for graphic files such as GIF or PCX format files) can
select a set of colors that best match the colors in the picture about to be
displayed, and thus reduce reliance on dithering techniques, providing a better
quality image. Palette manipulation can also be used for palette animation,
a technique that uses palette changes to create the impression of motion on the
Yet another GDI feature is the ability to create and manage GDI
objects. Brushes, pens, fonts, bitmaps, or palettes can be created and
selected into device contexts to determine the appearance of shapes that are
drawn subsequently.
Speaking of fonts, the GDI module also provides functionality
to handle fonts (including TrueType fonts).
Other functions exist to manage two types of metafiles (the
old-style Windows Metafiles and the new Enhanced Metafiles). Metafiles
can be created, saved, reloaded, and replayed into any device context.
The GDI Module also provides the capability to manage regions
and clipping. Clipping is of utmost importance in the Windows environment
because it enables applications to draw to a display surface without regard to
the boundaries of the surface (a client window, for example), or the possibility
that parts of the surface are obscured by other objects on the screen.
Windows is much more than the capabilities implemented in the
three "core" modules. Many other modules, many other APIs,
exist—each implementing another specific area of functionality. Here are some
of the more commonly used APIs, many of which are discussed in substantially
more detail later:
![]() |
Common Control functions are used to manipulate
the new Windows 95 common controls. Needless to say, these functions are
only available in Windows 95 or later, or Windows NT 3.51 or later, and
Win32s 1.3 or later. ![]()
| Common Dialogs include system-supplied dialogs for
opening a file for reading or writing, selecting a color from a color
palette, selecting a font from the set of fonts installed on your system,
and specifying a search or search and replace operation. These dialogs can
be used as is, or their functionality can be modified through new dialog
templates and window procedures. ![]()
| MAPI, or the Messaging Applications Programming
Interface, gives applications access to messaging functions through mail
delivery systems like Microsoft Mail. Actually, there are three variants of
MAPI that are commonly used: Simple MAPI is used by older
applications that are messaging-aware; that is, applications that do
not require the presence of a messaging subsystem but can make use of it if
it is there. Microsoft Word falls into this category. Newer messaging-aware
and messaging-enabled applications (those that rely on the presence
of a messaging subsystem) should use CMC, the Common Messaging Calls
interface. Finally, sophisticated message-based workgroup
applications may use the full range of MAPI services (Extended MAPI). ![]()
| MCI is the Multimedia Control Interface. Through
MCI functions, applications have easy access to the video, audio, and MIDI
capabilities of Windows. Most multimedia applications would use MCI
functions for media playback; some applications would utilize more
sophisticated MCI capabilities for the editing of media files. ![]()
| The OLE API is a very rich collection of system calls
implementing all aspects of OLE functionality. This includes OLE container
and server functionality for in-place editing, activating objects, drag and
drop, OLE Automation, and OLE custom controls. ![]()
| TAPI is the Telephony API. Applications can use TAPI for
a device-independent method of accessing telephony-based resources (modems,
FAX-modems, voice messaging hardware). |
There are several areas of network-related functionality;
examples include WinSock, the Windows Sockets library, RAS, the Remote
Access Service, and RPC, the Remote Procedure Call library.
Many Windows functions use a common mechanism for error
return. When an error occurs, these functions set a thread-specific error value
that can be retrieved by calling the GetLastError function. The 32-bit values
returned by this function are defined in the header file winerror.h or in
library-specific header files.
Functions in your application can also set this error value
by calling SetLastError. Application-specific error codes should have bit 29 of
the value set; error codes with this bit set are reserved by the operating
system for application-specific use.
Win32 applications can also use the standard set of C/C++
library functions, although some limitations apply.
First and foremost, a Windows application does not normally
have access to the traditional stdin, stdout, or stderr streams, the
corresponding DOS file handles (0, 1, and 2), or C++ iostream objects (cin and
cout). Only text-based console applications can use these standard file handles.
(However, Windows applications, too, may have a standard input or standard
output open if they are launched with their I/O redirected.)
As I mentioned already, Windows applications should use the
Win32 file management functions for file handling. This is not to say that the
standard C stream and low-level I/O functions or the C++ iostream library are no
longer available; it is simply that these libraries do not have all the
capabilities available through the Win32 API. For example, the C/C++ library
functions are not aware of a file object's security properties; nor can they be
used for asynchronous, overlapped input and output operations.
Applications should also refrain from using the MS-DOS style
C library process control functions (the exec family of functions) in favor of
Most other C/C++ libraries can be used without restrictions.
In particular, although the Win32 API offers a richer function set for memory
manipulation, most applications do not require any services more sophisticated
than those offered by malloc or the C++ new operator. The C/C++ math, buffer,
string manipulation, character and byte classification, data conversion, and
other routines can also safely be used.
Win32 applications should not attempt to access MS-DOS
Interrupt 21 or IBM PC BIOS functions. The APIs that were available for this
purpose in 16-bit Windows have been removed. Applications that require low-level
access to system hardware are probably best developed using the appropriate DDK
(Device Driver Development Kit).
While the Win32 API is intended to serve as a
platform-independent API, there exist some platform differences due to
limitations in the underlying operating system. Some of these have already been
mentioned earlier in this chapter; here, we review and summarize features that
are specific to the Windows NT, Windows 95, and Win32s platforms.
Of the three platforms, two (Windows NT and Windows 95) can
be used as development platforms with Visual C++. I have decided to include some
notes reflecting my experience in actually developing code using these operating
The most complete implementation of the Win32 API can be
found in Windows NT. Since Version 3.51, Windows NT offers the same set of new
custom controls that are available in Windows 95. Presently, the only
shortcoming of Windows NT relative to Windows 95 is the lack of Windows 95 style
shell functionality. Even this shortcoming may not be around much longer; at the
time of this writing, a fairly stable "preview" implementation has
already been released. (Note, however, that this implementation is unfortunately
not yet fully compatible with the Visual C++ development system.)
Of the three platforms, only Windows NT offers Unicode
support, advanced security features, and system level support for tape backup.
Being a server platform, Windows NT obviously offers a much richer server
environment than the other two platforms. Thanks to a fully 32-bit
implementation, Windows NT is also the most stable of the three platforms,
making it ideally suited as a development environment.
On the down side, Windows NT is by far the slowest, most
resource-hungry of the three platforms. The barest minimum on which Windows NT
runs at acceptable performance is a 33 MHz 486 system with at least 16MB of
memory. The Visual C++ documentation states that at least 20 MB of RAM is
required for acceptable performance. In practice, a well-equipped NT-based
development system would have 32MB of RAM, a 1GB hard disk drive, and at least a
486/66 processor (but preferably a Pentium).
While Windows 95 lacks some of the features Windows NT
offers, it more than makes up for it in terms of performance and compatibility
with older, lower-end hardware. Most of the features missing from Windows 95
will not be greatly missed by the majority of users.
What is missing? NT's advanced security features, Unicode
support, and system-level support for tape backup have already been mentioned.
The OpenGL graphics library is also unavailable in Windows 95.
For graphics programmers coming from the NT environment,
there are a few "gotchas"; among these are the lack of GDI support for
world transformation functions and the limitation of coordinate spaces to 16-bit
coordinate values.
On the other hand, Windows 95 delivers a flexible, stable
multithreaded environment comparable to Windows NT in most aspects. It provides
a very rich subset of the Win32 API; with the exception of the NT-specific
features already mentioned, most API functions are available.
On the performance side, rumor says that most of Windows NT
has been developed as relatively high-level portable C/C++ code; in contrast,
Windows 95 inherits a fair amount of old Intel-specific Windows 3.1 code, and
much of the new code has also been hand-optimized for this environment. It
shows. For the functionality it delivers, the memory footprint of Windows 95 is
tiny; people have been able to run it successfully on old 4MB 386-based systems.
My personal experience with respect to low-end hardware is limited to my 8MB
486Sx25 notebook computer; I was quite delighted to find that not only does
Windows 95 run on this machine very nicely, even the Visual C++ development
system does a more than adequate job compiling large projects.
Speaking of Visual C++, Windows 95 makes an excellent
development platform. Its stability, although unlike the rocklike nature of
Windows NT, is still fabulous. All 32-bit development tools, including console
applications, run remarkably well on this platform. And if my experience with my
notebook machine is any indication, even a low-end machine with a 25 MHz 486
CPU, 8MB of RAM, and a 120MB hard disk drive is sufficient for working on small
to medium-sized projects.
Still on the performance side, the existence of the newly
released Windows 95 Games SDK must also be mentioned. This SDK contains a series
of libraries and low-level drivers to provide high-performance graphics and
sound APIs facilitating the development of sophisticated action games for
Windows 95. For the time being, this SDK is not available for Windows NT.
Win32s is by far the most restrictive of the three 32-bit
environments. Foremost among its restrictions is its inability to run
multithreaded applications.
Like Windows 95, Win32s is also incompatible with NT-specific
features like Unicode, security, and tape backup functionality. Win32s does not
support the OpenGL graphics library either.
Win32s has no support for the long filenames of Windows 95
and Windows NT. It also does not support the new common controls. Access to
32-bit MAPI functionality is also unsupported.
Win32s does not support overlapped I/O functionality, not
even for communication devices. A curious consequence of this fact is that for a
communications application to work under all three platforms, it may be
necessary to provide both a 16-bit and a 32-bit DLL implementing
platform-specific access to communications ports.
Win32s also shares some of the "gotchas" with
Windows 95. Like Windows 95, the Win32s GDI implementation is limited to 16-bit
coordinates and does not support world transformations.
Win32s cannot be used as a development platform with the
32-bit Visual C++ compiler. A good thing, too; with the dismal stability of
Windows 3.1, development using this platform would likely be a frustrating
In short, if your users still run Windows 3.1 with Win32s,
urge them to upgrade to Windows 95. The stability improvements alone justify the
effort and the expense, and your effort convincing them will be amply rewarded
by the reduced number of support calls.
The Windows NT implementations on the PowerPC, DEC Alpha, or
MIPS CPUs are, for all intents and purposes, compatible with the implementations
on the Intel family of CPUs. Well-written applications should be recompilable on
these platforms with no modifications. Obviously, you must have the
platform-specific version of the Visual C++ development system; cross-platform
compilation is not possible.
Visual C++ can also be used to create code for Macintosh
computers. In this case, the Intel version of Visual C++ is actually used as a
cross-platform development product, after suitable extensions have been
purchased and installed. There are many restrictions on what Win32 features
applications intended to run on the Macintosh platform can use. (Generally, the
Windows Portability Library for the Macintosh has limitations comparable to
those of Win32s.)
In addition, there are some promising attempts at porting the
MFC library to various UNIX platforms and implementing Win32 compatibility
libraries on UNIX.
Visual C++ applications are said to be targeted for the Win32
environment. This includes the various platform-specific versions of Windows NT,
the new Windows 95 operating system, and the 32-bit Win32s extension to Windows
3.1. Additionally, Visual C++ can be used as a cross-platform development
environment for the Macintosh.
At the core of every Windows application is its message loop.
The Windows operating system delivers information about a variety of events in
the form of messages to cooperating applications, which in turn process those
messages by dispatching them to the appropriate window procedure. A window is a
rectangular area in the screen; it is also an abstract entity that receives and
processes messages.
Windows are owned by threads, which are simultaneous paths of
execution within an application. Threads, in turn, are owned by processes or
Applications also interact with Windows by calling one of the
many operating system functions implemented either in the "core" of
Windows or as a variety of add-ons. The core can roughly be divided into three
categories: the Kernel module provides memory, file, and process management; the
User module manages user-interface elements (specifically, windows) and handles
messages; the GDI module provides graphical services.
Other modules implement specific areas of functionality, such
as OLE, MAPI, networking, common controls and dialogs, and multimedia.
With some restrictions, Visual C++ applications can also use
standard C/C++ library functions.
The three primary Win32 platforms differ in the extent to
which the Win32 API is implemented. The most complete implementation is offered
by Windows NT. Windows 95 offers a very rich subset, with some NT-specific
elements and some advanced components missing. Win32s, on the other hand, offers
a very restrictive implementation; most notable among these restrictions is its
inability to run multithreaded applications.
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